Crypto payments for telegram bots

Seamlessly accept crypto payments
in your Telegram bots and services

Get started

Popular bots use Crypto Pay

Example of usage
You sent 5,5 USDT ($5.50).

Recipient: GoodsBot

1 month of Blazing Fast VPN
Access key: VPN-X3Y7-Z1W9-R6T2-

Auto Sales:

Boost conversion

Immediately deliver digital products
and services to your users.

Open API Docs
You sent 3,5 TON ($5.08).

Recipient: CuteCats Channel

Exclusive access to the channel


Seamless access

Automatically unlock exclusive content
to your users.

Open API Docs
You sent 3,99 USDT ($3.99).

Recipient: @StoresBot

One month of Premium access
payload: “item:monthly_premium”,
status: “paid”,
amount: “3.99”,
asset: “USDT”


with Webhooks

Receive successful payment notifications in
real-time. Integrate to any scenario of your service.

Open API Docs


Accept a wide range of cryptocurrencies

Bill any supported cryptocurrencies with asset parameter in GetInvoices method

  • ETH
  • USDT
  • TON
  • BTC
  • TRX
  • LTC
  • USDC
  • BNB
Create App

One click to start

Open @CryptoBot, go to Crypto Pay and tap Create App to get API Token


Real-time exchange rates

Request up to date currency rate with the getExchangeRates API method

Application Statistics @GoodsBot for all time:

Volume: $204,920

The number of created invoices: 16,256
Number of payments: 9,353
Number of users: 5,606

Conversion: 57%
All Time

Payment statistics

Open @CryptoBot, go to Crypto Pay and My Apps, App Name to get Statistics

💸 You recieved 3448 TON from @CryptoBot 💬 Design contest awards 🏅
💸 You recieved 8478 TON from @CryptoBot 💬 Congrats! You are winner 🙌
💸 You recieved 2300 TON from @CryptoBot 💬 We appreciate your interest 🚀

Send coins to users

Automate payouts to users with transfer API method

🌴 Anonymous paid your invoice You recieved 3442 TON 💬 A generous donation! Keep working hard 💪
🌴Anonymous paid your invoice You recieved 3823 TON 💬 A bountiful gift! Keep reaching for the stars! 🙌
🌴 Anonymous paid your invoice You recieved 3442 TON 💬 A substantial gift! Keep striving for excellence! 🎉

Anonymous payments

Use allow_anonymous parameter in createInvoice method to give user an option to remain private

Quick start using Crypto Pay

  1. Authorizing your app

    1. Open @CryptoBot
    2. Go to Crypto Pay
    3. Tap Create App
    4. Get API Token
    Here is the token for the app @GoodsBot


    This token can be used by anyone to
    control your app. Keep and store it safely.
    Revoke Token
  2. Crypto Pay API Request

    Requests are only served over HTTPS.
    To pass parameters use:

    • URL query string
    • application/json
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    • multipart/form-data
    {"asset": "TON", "amount": "2.75"}
  3. Getting updates

    There are two ways of receiving
    updates for your app:

    • getInvoices method to get a list of created invoices.
    • Webhooks to receive updates in realtime.
    payload: “item:monthly_premium”,
    status: “paid”,
    amount: “3.99”,
    asset: “USDT”

Crypto Pay API

Explore available methods and types and integrate them in any programming language.

Open API Docs

Join dev community

Connect with bot developers and explore the possibilities
our crypto payments service unlocks.

Open Devs chat